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ONCA 13-02 04/19/2013 FY13 Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) for a matching grant donation to the Osage County Rural Water District #22 in conjunction with the Osage Nation for a feasibility study and engineering report; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-01 ENACTED 05/14/2014 FY13

An Act to amend 19 ONC § 3-101 et seq., the Osage Nation Workforce for Performance Act, to amend the definition of employee; to restrict supervisory authority of non-merit appointed Executive Staff: to clarify the roles of the Human Resources Department and the Employee Protection Council; and to

ONCR 10-33 ENACTED 09/20/2010 FY10

A resolution to authorize the formation of Osage, LLC as a limited liability company organized under the law of the Osage Nation and wholly owned by the Osage Nation; and to make this authorization retroactive to April 14, 2008

ONCR 10-32 09/16/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho A resolution declaring Congressional consent and approval of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board's Annual Plan of Operation, as amended, for Fiscal Year 2011.
ONCR 10-31 09/30/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho A Resolution to request the Human Resources Department establish previously funded retirement accounts for Congressional Members and authorize the Treasury Department to deposit previously appropriated funds into those accounts.
ONCR 11-22 09/26/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho A Resolution to approve the proposed settlement of litigation against the U.S. relating to the Osage Mineral Estate; and to authorize the Principal Chief and the Speaker of the Congress to execute the settlement agreement. (Branstetter)
ONCR 10-30 11/08/2010 FY10, FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho A resolution to provide for an election to amend Articles III, VI, VII, VIII, XIII and XV of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to change "membership" to "citizenship", and to change "eligibility for membership" to "right to citizenship".
ONCR 11-21 09/27/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session A Resolution to set the compensation and reimbursement allowance for the Boards and Commissions of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 11-20 09/27/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho A resolution declaring Congressional consent and approval of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board's Annual Plan of Operation for fiscal year 2012.
ONCR 10-28 08/19/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session A resolution to confirm and clarify the request for placement of fee lands into Trust by the Secretary of the Interior for the purpose of gaming pursuant to Osage Nation Congress Resolution ONCR 09-05.
ONCR 10-26 11/08/2010 FY10, FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho A resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XX, Section 1 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to change the number of affirmative votes from 5/6 to 3/4 of the Congress to put a Constitutional Amendment before the Osage people for approval or rejection at an election
ONCR 11-19 12/08/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho A Resolution to approve the Osage Nation Election Board rules and regulations governing elections in accordance with the Osage Nation Election Code.