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ONCA 10-89 09/28/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho An act to amend ONCA 07-59, the Osage Nation Health and Wellness Advisory Board Act, to extend the date for disestablishment; and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 10-85 09/22/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho An Act to establish a merit based system of employment and its foundational components; to authorize an appropriation; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date. Osage Nation Workforce Pay for Performance Act
ONCA 10-84 09/22/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho An Act to establish an Office of the Attorney General to provide necessary legal services to and on behalf of the Osage Nation and their officials and employees while acting in their official capacity; to authorize the appointment of the Attorney General and define the responsibilities and duties
ONCA 10-83 08/19/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session An Act to amend the FY 2010 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act, ONCA 10-25, to provide a supplemental appropriation to Crisis Assistance; to provide an appropriation modification to Clinical/Medical Service Program; to declare an emergency and establish an effective
ONCA 10-82 08/19/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session An act to amend the FY 2010 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act, ONCA 10-25, to provide a supplemental appropriation to ANA Economic Development; to provide to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 10-81 08/19/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session An act to provide an appropriation to the Osage Nation v. Thomas E. Kemp, Jr. et al. Litigation Fund in the amount of two hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred eight dollars ($277, 408); to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 10-80 08/19/2010 FY10 Second Osage Nation Congress - 2nd Special Session An act to amend the FY 2010 Government Operations Departments and Programs Appropriation Act, ONCA 10-25, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Education Department; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCR 11-18 09/30/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho A Resolution to approve regulations governing the membership application process, membership card issuance process, relinquishment of membership and correspondence about membership status with other governments.
ONCR 11-15 09/27/2011 FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho A Resolution to request the Principal Chief and the Health Advisory Board to formulate a request for appropriation for a professional study of the needs of Osage Elders throughout the United States.
ONCA 10-79 10/04/2010 FY10, FY11 First Osage Nation Congress - FY10 HunKah An Act To Amend ONCA 07-30, as amended, at Section 5 to improve Congressional Oversight of the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise; and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCR 11-14 10/06/2011 FY11, FY12 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY11 TziZho A resolution to provide for an election to amend Articles XV of the Constitution of the Osage Nation to delete the existing language in its entirety and to replace Article XV with language on recognizing the authority of the Osage Minerals Council to Manage the Osage Minerals Estate.
ONCA 10-73 10/04/2010 FY10, FY11 Second Osage Nation Congress - FY10 TziZho An act to amend the Osage Nation Gaming Law by establishing three (3) Commissioners on the Gaming Commission; to establish a Commissioner Director within the Gaming Commission.