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ONCR 09-11 09/30/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - 7th Special Session A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article VI, Section 12 of the Osage Nation Constitution, Ratified: March 11, 2006 and Signed May 6, 2006.
ONCR 09-10 09/30/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 TziZho A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XI, Section 8 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 09-09 09/30/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 TziZho A Resolution to provide for an election to amend Article XX, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 09-08 04/13/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 HunKah A Resolution to express the consent of the Osage Congress to the appointment of the Foundation Board Members.
ONCR 09-07 04/01/2009 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 HunKah A Resolution to support or authorize the Speaker of Osage Nation Congress to apply for a website domain name for the Osage Nation Congress.
ONCR 09-06 11/18/2014 FY09 First Osage Nation Congress - FY09 HunKah A Resolution to express the will and intent of the Osage Congress to the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation regarding the appointment of an Osage Nation Foundation Board.
ONCA 08-31 05/15/2008 FY08 First Osage Nation Congress - 12th Special Session An Act to establish the Osage Nation Employment Rights Office and Commission; and Authorization of an Appropriation to fund said Office.
ONCA 08-29 05/09/2008 FY08 First Osage Nation Congress - 12th Special Session An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Cultural Preservation, Arts, Heritage and Language Services in the amount of $19,880; to declare an emergency, and establish an effective date.
ONCA 08-28 05/20/2008 FY08 First Osage Nation Congress - 12th Special Session An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Child, Family, and Senior Assistance Community Services in the amount of $63,622; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 08-25 04/09/2008 FY08 First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah An Act to provide for distribution of proceeds from Indian Trust lawsuits pertaining to the Osage Indian mineral estate, headright shares, and funds derived therefrom.
ONCA 08-24 04/15/2008 FY08 First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah An Act to amend ONCA 07-30, the "Osage Nation Gaming Reform Act of 2007"; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
ONCA 08-22 04/17/2008 FY08 First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Commerce and Economic Development in the amount of $25,000; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.