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ONCA 13-69
Third Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session
An Act to amend the Osage Nation Ethics Law to require Members of Congress to recuse from a confirmation vote when a relative is appointed to specific Osage Nation entities; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-67
Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho, Third Osage Nation Congress - 8th Special Session
An Act to establish parameters and limitations for the budget of the Osage Nation; to repeal ONCA 11-32 and amendments thereto, and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-66
Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho
An Act to appropriate the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to the Restricted Real Property Repurchase Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-56
Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho
An Act to amend ONCA 12-85, the Osage Nation Permanent Fund Act to provide further sovereign protections of the Permanent Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-31
FY13, FY14
Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho, Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah
An Act to amend 16 ONC §§ 3-104 and 3-105 of the Health Benefit Act to allow Members age sixty-five (65) or over to elect annual medi-gap coverage in lieu of the monetary benefit; to conform the law to reflect this option; and to authorize the Administrator of the Health Benefit Plan to solicit a
ONCA 13-21
FY13, FY14
Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho, Third Osage Nation Congress - FY14 HunKah
An Act to amend 16 ONC § 3-105 of the Health Benefit Act to allow benefit balances to carry over; and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 13-32
Third Osage Nation Congress - FY13 TziZho
An Act, to amend 15 ONC § 12-106 in the Independent Press Act to change the Editorial Board qualifications to coordinate appointment times and terms, and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCA 14-01
Third Osage Nation Congress - 8th Special Session
An Act to provide an appropriation to the Office of the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2014; to repeal ONCA 13-88 and to establish an alternate effective date.
ONCR 12-29
Third Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session, Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah
A Resolution to request the placement of fee lands into Trust by the Secretary of the Interior.
ONCR 12-26
Third Osage Nation Congress - 3rd Special Session, Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah
An Act to adopt the Articles of Operation for the limited liability company, Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liability Companies Act.
ONCR 12-25
FY12, FY13
Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah
A Resolution to approve the investment firm and initial Investment Strategy of the Osage Nation.
ONCR 12-23
Second Osage Nation Congress - FY12 HunKah
A Resolution to designate eligible persons to act as delegate of the Osage Nation to the National Congress of American Indians.