ONCA 08-02
An Act to provide regulations for organizing limited liability companies within the Osage Nation; and to repeal the Osag Nation Limited Liability Companies Act enacted by this body through ONCA 07-23. Osage Nation Limited Liability Company Act
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-04
An Act to establish a Commission to study a merit based employment system; and to declare that an emergency exists. Merit Based Employment Study Commission Act
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-05
An Act to protect employees who report legal or regulatory violations from retribution by their employer. Osage Nation Whistleblower Act
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-06
An Act to amend ONCA 06-02, the bill to establish the Department of the Treasury; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-07
An Act to establish a free and independent press for the Osage Nation. Independent Press Act of 2008
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-08
An Act to require public reporting of all branches, entities, departments and programs to the Office of Fiscal and Performance Review to aid in waste reduction, improved efficiency, and increased level of service to all Osage people.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-09
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-50, to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Legislative Branch in the amount of $5,098; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-10
An Act to amend the Charter as amended of the Osage Nation Foundation, as amended, that was granted by Tribal Council Resolution 31-1193; to amend the Bylaws of the Osage Nation Foundation, as amended, authorized, approved and adopted by Tribal Council Resolution 31-1193; and to reaffirm the foundation of the Osage Nation Foundation pursuant to Tribal Council Resolution 31-1192. Osage Nation
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-11
An Act to amend the Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act, ONCA 07-54, to provide a Supplemental Appropriation to Government Support Services Division; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-12
An Act to establish an Office of the Attorney General to provide necessary legal services to and on behalf of the Osage Nation and their officials and employees while acting in their official capacity; to authorize the appointment of the Attorney General and define the responsibilities and duties thereof.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-13
An Act to implement an appellate procedure for the Osage Nation judicial court system.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-14
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act" ONCA 07-54, to Provide an Appropriation Modification to the Division of Education and Early Childhood Learning Services in the amount of $-122,259; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date
First Osage Nation Congress - 12th Special Session
ONCA 08-15
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Osage Cultural Preservation, Arts, Heritage and Language in the amount of $29,511; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-16
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Properties and Housing Division in the amount of $307,988; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - 12th Special Session
ONCA 08-17
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental appropriation to the Government Support Services Division in the amount of $473,741; to declare an emergency and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-18
An Act to amend "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Transportation, Law, Public Safety, Environment and Natural Resources in the amount of $133,091; to declare an emergency; and establish an alternate effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-19
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Child, Family, and Senior Assistance Community Services in the amount of $28,720; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah
ONCA 08-20
An Act to amend "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act" ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Commerce, Tourism and Economic Development in the amount of $80,231; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - 12th Special Session
ONCA 08-21
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of the Chiefs for Professional Services Contracts and Travel in the amount of $38,000; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - 12th Special Session
ONCA 08-22
An Act to amend the "Fiscal Year 2008 Executive Branch Appropriation Act", ONCA 07-54, to Provide a Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Commerce and Economic Development in the amount of $25,000; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date.
First Osage Nation Congress - FY08 HunkKah