Executive Branch
Elected Officials
Office of the Chiefs' Staff
- Maintain or increase funding for core benefits including education scholarships, the Health Benefit Card, Burial Assistance and Financial Hardship Assistance.
- Re-establish the surface reservation through land purchases.
- Expand language and retain culture.
- Develop a comprehensive healthcare system.
- Promote healthy communities through wellness initiatives and partnerships.
- Create and develop a premier Osage School system.
- Create safer communities through strong law enforcement.
- Improve communication between the City, State and County.
- Ensure the Osage government is accountable to the Osage people.
- Develop an improved reporting system and policy to ensure management is kept up to date on usage, trends and remaining funds, allowing for a more proactive approach to keep the funds solvent.
- Create a tribally-funded program to promote and continue the purchase of fractionated land.
- Increase the support, promotion and participation in available cultural and linguistic activities, classes, programs and facilities.
- Increase patient health and satisfaction while decreasing wait times.
- Growth in access to and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables combined with healthy living education will show a decrease in negative health factors.
- Obtain adequate funding from Osage Congress. Maintain stable WELA enrollment. Develop and sustain parent and/or caregiver involvement. The Office of the Chiefs shall work through WELA on all the above.
- Maintain or increase police presence and response times while decreasing crime.
- Eliminate the manufacture and distribution of illegal substances in our villages.
- An initial increase in arrests and counseling/treatment will eventually result in a decrease in arrests and presence and use of illegal substances in our villages and the reservation as a whole.
- An Osage government that is accountable to the Osage people provides services in a transparent and equitable way, while increasing the people’s general satisfaction with their government.